Ui Style Guide

Lead UI Kit & Development
Cannabis Industry haven't had the standard UI/UX design before. Since Cannabis has been legalized for recreational purposes, MedMen need to revamp website and build new App. Therfore, MedMen started to define their own user interface style guide at first to create digital products consistency.


Designers and Developers are suffering from inconsistent design and no design guide documents. Therfore, MedMen have a different designs according to platform such as website, application, and marketing matrials. Especially, Dev team can't build the standard UI Code for inconsistent design. Thus, CSS code heavier file size is a major cause of website performance issues.


Analyze the current designs and optimize components in advance. Define and create standard own UI Style Guide to utalize it for the digital and marketing matrials consistently. Also I create UI Style Guide website for the refference.
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