Online Shopping

UI/UX Design
MedMen need to buildup new e-commerce for apparel and accessories with Shopify becuase MedMen official website is focusing on selling Cannabis items and providing educational contents. Initially, there are only 2 items like T-Shirts so they want to emphasize items and simplified shopping flow.


To create a simplified online shopping experience for users while also increasing awareness between MedMen official website and the apparel online shopping on any devices. There are only 2 items such as Woman & Man T-Shirt initially. Therfore, biggest challenges are how users can shop easily and fast without unnecessary mouse clicks and they can shop Cannabis & Apparel simultaneously.


To create homepage what contains navigation, product detail page with innovative UI/UX and Responsive Web Design. Therefore, Users can stay on the same page without back and forth behaviors. Also, user can go to MedMen Official Webiste through Tab Navigation on the left Top easily.
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