Mobile App

UI/UX Design
Former Forever 21 App was based on a hybrid app that combined Mobile Web and App. Executive Team requested to improve UI/UX and increase conversion rate. The most challenging aspect was to re-develop not only User Interface but also the User Experience for the New Native App. I conducted an audit of the existing mobile Web, App and analyzed the user experience. Also, I researched the competitors and established the best practices based on my competitor survey. On top of that, I was incharged of UI design for new app.


Forever 21 Apps are Hybrid App. Hybrid apps are essentially web apps that have been put in a native app shell. Forever 21 website is not RWD (Responsive Web Design) so they need to build the mobile website for mobile & app devices. However, mobile website UI/UX dosen't fit in App platform and there are lots of perfomance issues.


Create new Native Forever 21 Apps to enhance UI/UX and performance for App users. Following each device standard guideline and defining new UI/UX for Forever 21 Apps. Also, collaborate with App deverpers how to improve performance.
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