American Cannabis: The New Normal



Welcome to the
New Normal.
Cannabis is not a four-letter word. What has inspired the creators, the makers and disruptors will now inspire us all. Welcome to an era of renewed health and happiness. It’s normal again, now where do we grow from here?
the story
Until Now
The New Normal begins with a story that needed telling. The story of American cannabis. How something as common as corn was relegated to back alleys. The story of unjust punishment. But most of all, the story of redemption. 
the voice
A Fearless
Actor and activist Jesse Williams used to be a history teacher. Unafraid to tell it like it is, he’s giving us all a lesson in why the New Normal is about so much more than legalizing marijuana.
the making
An 80-Year
Putting nearly a century of prohibition in the past can’t happen overnight. But as we journey through the camera lens and into Jonze’s vision for change, we take an important step forward, together.
The New Normal is here.
The next step is up to you. 
We believe a world where cannabis 
is legal and regulated is a safer, healthier and happier world. 
Share now if you believe it too.
Read More About the New Normal